
Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Need a Hobby

Now that my life is absent of internships, papers, and coursework, I have time to actually focus on something. And that "something" cannot be the gym, watching three back-to-back episodes of Two and a Half Men, or reading.

I always fumbled on the "what are your hobbies?" question on job interviews. Because, honestly, I don't have one set thing I like to do (and napping is not an appropriate hobby). In the past, I've tried many different activities. For instance, I was really into making jewelry for awhile. However, I've since forgotten everything I learned in the summer class I look three years ago.

I enjoy interior design. I thought perhaps I could get into refinishing furniture. I started to refinish a cabinet in October. It's January, and I'm still not finished. Of course there was baking at one point, though that went by the way-side. I attempted painting, but when you suck, it just isn't fun.

My problem is that I am incredibly impatient, and I have the attention span of a two year old. I get bored easily of things, and I can't sit still and focus for long amounts of time. (Ask anyone who has ever tried to watch a movie with me. Unless I'm riveted to the screen, I'm up walking around after 20 minutes.)

I think I'd like redecorating an apartment...but I don't have one. My mother suggested I redo my room at home. I told her that was not happening because I plan on moving the next year (or decade).

Therefore, if you have any suggestions...please share.


  1. Hey Allison! I saw this posted on facebook and being the hobby-addict that I am, I couldn’t help but respond. I think jewelry-making is a fantastic hobby and I completely envy the talents of some of my favorite etsy sellers - VioletBella is probably my fave. You should definitely get back into that and open a shop! Of course, I can’t talk about hobbies without suggesting my fave - scrapbooking and card-making. They’re great if you like playing with pattern and color on a small scale and if you like mixed media art. I’m also getting into collecting/experimenting with make-up. I know that sounds shallow, but I find it extremely creative and inspiring to learn more about it and try new techniques. Anyhoo, that’s a long winded 2 cents, but I just had to share. :) Good luck on the hobby search!

  2. Thanks Kalyn! I read your blog, and your cards are beautiful! You are so creative! Someone else suggested scrapbooking, and I might give it a try. I also totally agree about the makeup thing. I love to read articles about technique and play around. So girly and fun. Thank you for your suggestions. I might swing by AC Moore this weekend :)

  3. Thanks so much! And if you're really into make-up, you should check out Youtube. They have this whole "beauty community" that make video tutorials and review products. It's kind of awesome. One of my favorite "beauty gurus" is named Allison actually - her screen name is Amarixe if you want to look up some of her videos. Beware: they're addicting and will make you want to buy stuff. Haha I fully support an AC Moore trip for crafty inspiration! :)
