I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world
I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world
Amen, Taylor. Amen.
I think I have things together, and then I realize I have nothing together. Do grownups ever really have it 'together?' Or is that a facade that we believe as children? Maybe the idea of 'together-ness' isn't reality?
In any case, I'm trying to get all the pieces of this life puzzle to fit. It's really hard. They don't warn you about this shit in college. Of course, what was I thinking? That I was going to leave campus with a diploma and a magical unicorn spewing fairy dust was going to pick me up and carry me, seamlessly, into a 'big girl' life? Well, that didn't exactly happen.
I need a post college support group. One where we talk about how it is possible to transition to life back in the nest, pay off college loans, and still retain the ability to drink a case on a Thursday night and function Friday morning.
The thing is, I like being a twenty-something. I just wish I had a path to follow. The whole "forge your own path" thing is great....until you realize you're deep in the forest without a map, which is equal to being up shit creek without a paddle. Guess what? Shit creek was a lot more like fun water rapids than "holy-crap-I'm -going-to-fly-off-this-raft-and-impale-myself-on-a-rock" when my biggest worry was what time I had to wake up for class and not how am I going to pay off thousands of dollars and save for a future.
Not to mention, now people want to know when I'm getting married. Dear God can we not throw that wrench into the mix yet! I don't even know what I'm going to wear when I wake up in the morning not to mention who I'm going to spend the foreseeable future with. Obviously I'd like to spend my life with a man and not just Gary that cat, but put the brakes on, people. I'm 22.
For now, I'm going to enjoy being young and hopefully find some more pieces to my life puzzle. If anyone has seen any 'Allison' life pieces, please point me in the right direction because I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world.
I so feel you.
ReplyDeleteI asked my mom the other day if she ever feels like a grown up, and she said, "Hardly ever!" So maybe we'll be okay.
And the marriage thing, omg. I'm the "next cousin" in line, age-wise, that should be getting married. I've been single for over 3 year, which horrifies my grandmothers. They are actually PRAYING for a man to find me. I'm dead serious. Ugh.
Sara - I'm the next cousin in line too! I'm actually probably going to be surpassed by at least one (probably another) on both sides of my family.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to know that I'm not the only one utterly confused by life <3
ReplyDeleteI had not even made it halfway up the driveway at my cousin's pre-wedding family reunion before someone came up to my mom and was like "so, I guess your gal is next!!" Not. Even. Up. The. Driveway.
And I can seriously not do the whole thirsty thursday friday worky thing. wtf. I tried the other week, had some sangria, got a little tipsy...and the usual a.m. traffic jam was extra hellish. rawr.
Allison and Emily, we should just do a 3-way marriage and really freak everyone out and be like, "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR RUSHING US!"
ReplyDeleteThe cousin before me got married, and no joke, as we were waiting for someone to be done family pictures my grandmom nudged me and was like "So, when do you think it'll be your turn?" I was mortified.
Also, I cannot drink anymore, it's pathetic. I'm only 24! And I have one beer and go, hmm, "I think it's time for bed." Last Thursday I crawled into bed to watch the office at NINE and fell asleep after. Sadly, this will probably be repeated tonight.