
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better (maybe)

My lovely friend (and fellow blogger) Emily, wrote a blog about the things she can and cannot do. Read it here. I'm following suit.

Things I'm Good At:
-Spotting and naming the model and year of all Audi vehicles from miles away
-Walking in heels
-Telling stories
-Making sangria/ice cream cake/champagne punch/grilled cheese
-Doing makeup
-Walking/running into things and getting black and blue marks all over my legs
-Taking naps
-Finding really funny birthday cards
-Giving hugs
-Rescuing poor, pathetic-looking animals from the middle of the road and nursing them back to health

Things I'm Bad At:
-Painting my nails
-Giving Gary the Cat a bath
-Driving stick shift
-Doing hair
-Being patient
-Not looking up medical symptoms on WebMd
-Math (with or without a calculator)
-Not spilling on white pants/shirt
-Keeping track of purchases in my checkbook
-Walking into Sephora and not buying anything

Things I Just Can't Do:
-Snap my fingers

1 comment:

  1. when you move into the Nook in a few months can you please make me champagne punch sometime? I'll....I'll teach you how to snap. :)
