It's the holiday season. A time when old friends come together and Christmas cards flood the mailbox. It is during this season that many gather together. It also means that you're probably getting a crap ton of emails, texts, and Facebook messages beckoning you to bars, holiday parties, and other festive gatherings. The Christmas season is also the time when many old flames decide to creep back into your life - for better or worse.
Recently, I was propositioned for the latter. It's not that the individual is a bad person...they just have bad grammar. And when I say "bad," I mean horrible-atrocious-i-don't-think-i-can-even-speak-to-you-because-I'm-so-embarrased-for-you bad.
I understand people make typing mistakes or forget to proof their words but some errors are just unforgivable (see above). Additionally, propositioning me while using the wrong form of "their," "there," "they're" and "your" or "you're" also crushes your chances substantially. I don't expect everyone to be a spelling Nazi, and I certainly am not a grammar whiz by any means of the imagination...but there are some you should just know...period.
Therefore, I urge you guys and gals to reread your texts, emails, and messages before clicking "send." Your English teacher and the general public thanks you in advance.